The troops were warned against sexual exploitation, drug trafficking and abuse.

Matthew Onocheta

The Nigerian Army (NA), has deployed no fewer than 177 personnel on a peacekeeping mission in Guinea-Bissau to help restore peace and stability in the West African country.

The Chief of Army Operations, Major General Boniface Sinjen, made this known on Wednesday during the graduation ceremony of the troops of the Nigerian company 3 ECOWAS Stabilization Support Mission at General Martin- Luther Agwai peacekeeping Centre, Jaji in Kaduna State.

Addressing the troops ahead of their departure to Guinea-Bissau, General Sinjen, explained that the West African country is grappling with political instability and institutional crises, which have consequently posed a significant threat to peace and sustainable development in the sub-region.

He said that the deployment of a contingent of military forces to Guinea-Bissau by the Nigerian government through the ECOWAS reaffirmed their commitment to supporting the government of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau to consolidate its authority, address the security challenges and strengthen democratic governance, as well as foster stability in the country.

Sinjen said: “This deployment is in line with the mandate of the mission, which has been extended several times to consolidate the relative peace and stability in the country.

“You gallant men of the Nigerian Army have been trained by this renowned Centre of Excellence to play that critical role.

“This Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) has equipped you with the necessary tactical skills and knowledge to support the government of Guinea-Bissau in stabilising the country.

“The Chief of Army Operations cautioned the troops to conduct themselves professionally in accordance with mission guidelines, as well to respect the sovereignty and cultural sensitivity of the people of Guinea-Bissau.

“I therefore urge you to remain committed to upholding the principles of ECOWAS peacekeeping operations. You will be operating in a complex and diverse environment where various ethnic groups coexist.

“I implore you to maintain the highest level of professionalism, discipline, and respect for human rights and the sovereignty of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau.

“As ambassadors of Nigeria, your behaviour will reflect on the nation’s image, so I urge you to uphold the highest standards of conduct and maintain the integrity of our esteemed profession.”

The army official urged the troops to embody the core values of the Armed Forces of Nigeria and refrain from any actions that could compromise the mission’s objectives or undermine our nation’s reputation.He warned that the Armed Forces of Nigeria have a zero-tolerance policy regarding sexual exploitation, drug trafficking and abuse.

“Any personnel found guilty of such offences will face severe consequences. The Nigerian Army’s commitment to upholding the highest standards of discipline and integrity remains unbroken,” Sinjen said.

On his part, the Commandant, Martin- Luther Agwai peacekeeping Centre, Major General Ademola Adedoja, said the Peacekeeping training which began on May 19 was designed to prepare the troops on contemporary peacekeeping operations for a successful tour of duty in Guinea-Bissau.

Adedoja explained that during the course of the training, the troops were exposed to a series of lectures and field exercises on contemporary peacekeeping operations, with an emphasis on the peculiar nature of the security challenges facing Guinea-Bissau.

He added: “The troops were exposed to mentally and physically engaging exercises to equip them with the necessary knowledge and tactical skills required in peacekeeping operations in line with the United Nations Core PDT modules.

“As you stand ready to embark on this critical mission, I urge you to carry the spirit of excellence with you.

“Your contribution to the ECOWAS Stabilisation Support Mission will be instrumental in shaping the future of Guinea-Bissau, thus promoting peace, stability, and development in West Africa.

“You are not just representing the Armed Forces of Nigeria but also serving as ambassadors of our great nation.”

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