His crimes went undetected for years until investigators uncovered a clue in one of his videos

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A renowned British zoologist has been sentenced to 10 years and five months in prison in Australia after admitting to a series of shocking crimes involving the sexual abuse and torture of dozens of dogs.

Adam Britton, 53, a prominent crocodile expert who has worked on productions for the BBC and National Geographic, pleaded guilty to 56 charges related to bestiality and animal cruelty. He also admitted to four counts of accessing child abuse material.

The Northern Territory Supreme Court heard that Britton filmed himself torturing the animals, most of which died as a result, and shared the videos online using pseudonyms.

His crimes went undetected for years until investigators uncovered a clue in one of his videos.

Britton was arrested in April 2022 following a search of his rural property near Darwin, which also led to the discovery of child abuse material on his laptop.

The details of Britton’s offences were deemed so graphic that Chief Justice Michael Grant warned the courtroom they could cause “nervous shock”.

As the facts were read aloud, some members of the public left the courtroom, while others wept and directed insults at the defendant.

In his ruling, Justice Grant condemned Britton’s actions as “devious” and noted that the “unalloyed pleasure” he took in torturing the animals was “sickeningly evident”.

“[Your] depravity falls entirely outside any ordinary human conception,” the judge stated.

Britton could be eligible for parole in September 2028, taking into account time already served. He has been banned from owning mammals for life.

The defence argued that Britton’s crimes were driven by a rare disorder causing intense, atypical sexual interests. In court, a letter from Britton was read out, in which he apologised for his “demeaning crimes”.

“I deeply regret the pain and trauma that I caused to innocent animals and consequently to my family, friends and members of the community,” the letter said.

Britton also emphasised that his family was not aware of or involved in his actions, adding, “I will seek long term treatment and… I will find a path towards redemption.”

Britton, originally from West Yorkshire, spent his formative years in the UK before relocating to Australia over two decades ago to pursue his work with crocodiles.

A highly qualified zoologist with a PhD, Britton had established himself as a globally recognised expert in his field.

His reputation was such that he even hosted the esteemed naturalist Sir David Attenborough at his property during the filming of part of the acclaimed Life in Cold Blood documentary series.

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