By Adigun Makanjuola

My Ancestors from centuries of generation of historical origination connected to eras prior to the creation of colonial Nigeria as an unworkable federation are a distinct indigenous Yoruba with their natural system of Government known as traditional Federalism.
Due to the above non- contestable facts, I am a Yoruba citizens, because my natural family lineage are Yoruba before Nigeria was created forcefully created by foreigners and forced a strange an artificial identity out of nothing and imposed self on us by gunboat Diplomacy over our territory of our dear Yoruba homeland.
If the Yoruba conservatives are forcing the Yoruba people especially those of us at the forefronts of the Yoruba struggle for maximum self-determination within the context of a permanent failed and destructive pan- Nigeria British experimentation and wishing that Yoruba freedom fighters never to align or have any genuine alliance with already declared United States of Biafra, then we ask from these anti- self-determination elements that if they are telling us not to aligned of have a strategic alliance with the people of USB, is it Nigerian slavery , underdeveloped and destructive politics of regular genocidal killings and dominance cum permanent confinement of lost hope by the others should the Yoruba people perished with because some few Yoruba were benefitting from one Nigeria, we honestly asked?
What is the disadvantages of having a strategic alliance with already declared free Biafra and remaining as an endangering people of Yoruba people under a British/ Fulani ownership forever?
The Yoruba universal concept of ” We the people and indigenous entity of Yorubaland ” is fundamentally greater than any Yoruba individual superficious interests within the context of one Nigeria that serves and protects the criminal interests of few Yoruba in Nigeria and those in Diasporas.
It has come to our notice that the selfish interests of some Yoruba confusionists and their mere bat opportunistic postures hiding under the banner of Yoruba interests first in the politics of Nigeria, kicking against and condemning the actions and celebration of genuine Yoruba freedom fighters and sons and daughters of Yorubaland for celebrating the sucessful declaration of the restoration of the freedom of the people of United States of Biafra who are making encouraging Statements in favour of the Biafrans. What the Biafrans has done is to successfully de- amalgamated themselves, their recourses and territory away from what the British undemocratically engineered in 1914.
Some interests from the South under whatever organizational or pan- Nigerian disguise who for pockets enrichment and evil capital wealth accumulation never wanted their own people to recover their stolen sovereignty which the British stole from them and handed over to the Fulani one Nigeria, to these set of Yoruba, we are telling you once again that one Nigeria is gone and all the indigenous nations trapped within the collapsing one Nigeria and those who had chosen to recover their stolen sovereignty from Nigeria shall have this done successfully and there is nothing any of the one Nigerian unity promoters or destroyers of the people’s lives can do about this. As the Flames of freedom of the people to be liberated is burning over the landscape of artificial one Nigeria pseudo Federation. It is becoming goodbye to one Nigeria and too late to save it. The Biafran are gone, the Yoruba Nation is going! and the rest of nations in Nigeria will follow soon.
Good night Nigeria!
Adigun Makanjuola.