People like Sunday Igboho among the Yoruba people in Nigeria, are sent to the Yoruba via Professor Adebanji Akintoye Yoruba leadership of YSDM, to free them. How many of the prophets and good kings in the old testament in the Jewish and Greeko/ Romanian thesis are educated legend in the history of their respective peoples that change their historical narratives for the emergence of a new world order are university or intellectual scions? Let haters and agents of evil one Nigeria leave our saviour Sunday Igboho Osha alone.

Sunday Igboho will positively complete the mission that Eledumare sent to the Yoruba worldwide to accomplished in their lives through the emergence of a sovereign Yoruba homeland.

We are hundred percent with Sunday Igboho and if you can stop us, join the Nigerian Armed Forces on behalf of the Fulani political establishment to declare war on the Yoruba Nation and people. We will meet you guys within our territory and drive you out from within our territory and defend our Sovereignty within our border frontiers with the rest of those other ethnic nations cum fake co- Nigerians, to let our Yoruba people be free in our own geographical and political space.

Let those who want to dare us note that not all Yoruba are cowards. War is a continuation of any type of politics by another means. The Yoruba has now invoked the right of self-defence. We will no longer fold arms and allow anybody to kill us or our people again under the context that ” we are all Nigerians,” and for the sake of ” Nigeria unity”.

We the Yoruba are ready to fight aggressively to protect our indigenous humanity.

We are not joking, we can’t bear the killings of any Yoruba in Nigeria anymore. Why should the Yoruba keep silence and undisturbed when any Yoruba irrespective of their status is killed when they did not provoked or offend the sensibilities of others so called dubious named fellow Nigerians killing our people when we had not offended them in anyway.

We are not cowards, and the gentility of Tiger is not the measure of the Tiger strength of the sleeping Tiger. Let the Yoruba Nation and people be.

Adigun Makanjuola