Late Mr Sunday Ayedero and Mrs Ayedero with their 5 children . The face of the 10 year old witness has been covered to protect his identity as a minor who witnessed a “ Capital Crime “.

The sad story of Sunday Ayedero

ODO APE in KABBA BUNU LGA, of Western KOGI STATE is a Yoruba town. It’s a typical northern Yorubaland Yoruba town dominated by Yoruba Farmers , Artisans and quiet going inhabitants. Over the last 10 years, as a result of incessant violence against the native Yorubaland Yoruba population by terrorists, Fulani herdsmen, Tuaregs and land grabbers , about 1/2 of the peace loving Yorubaland Yorubas have fled the area and the town.

Non natives led by Fulanis have driven the farmers of the land in certain areas and have recently established settlements which they have named Zamfara 1, Zamfara 2 and Zamfara 3.

The killing of unarmed farmers has continued despite several attempts to achieve peaceful resolution. Recently during this last Holiday season, a group of 6 Fulani’s some dressed as Tuaregs with only their eyes 👀 exposed went to the farm of Mr Sunday Ayedero,after his wife and the other children had completed chores related to their planting of yam heaps.

Mr Sunday Ayedero is physically disabled with one leg meeting the World Health Organization’s Universal Standards of Disability definition.

The WHO defines physical disability as a restriction or lack of ability to perform activities in a normal way, or to participate in social and family life. Physical disabilities can be caused by a number of factors, including:
1:Body structure or function aberration’s . Differences in body structure, such as limb deficiency, or differences in neuromusculoskeletal function.
2:Disabling environments: Such as Physical, societal, or attitudinal barriers, such as inaccessible public facilities.
3:Health conditions limiting normal physical activity associated with motion and ADL( Activities of daily living).

This proud Yoruba man refused to be limited by his disability. Aided by his devoted wife and mother of his 5 Children aged 10 years to about 2 years, he served as the Secretary General to the local Hunters and was a proud commercial farmer farming Yam amongst other crops.

On this very day his wife and children had set out to complete the preparation of the heaps of yam the family had prepared for “ propagation seeding “. This done he set out to effect the planting of the “Propagation seeding” which required him to move slowly. His Eldest son was waiting at the farm to assist his father. The son as so many Children in Western Kogi are well versed in how to take evasive action at the nearest sighting of armed Fulani’s ,Kidnappers, Tuaregs or other terrorist elements who have become a nuisance to the peace of the area.

Suddenly 6 armed men accosted his father and he took cover. As his son later described to other Hunters who I know very well, they opened fire with AK-47 ‘s on him which had little effect on him . The 10 yr old son described how he was unable to escape due to his Disability and in no time the Fulani’s including 3 dressed in Tuareg garb descended on this unfortunate brave man with Cudjels and beat him to death with his eldest son watching from a concealed safe observation place.

A brave disabled Hunter the principal bread winner and head of a family of 7 is now another integer in the 100’s of thousands of innocent Nigerians killed in cold blood by these Terrorists, Fulani’s and Tuaregs.

We are yet to hear of 1 Yoruba Farmer killing Fulani’s , Tuaregs or Hausa farmers in any of The 3 Northern Geopolitical Zones north of the Niger River. Please correct me if I am wrong.

The witnessed killing of Sunday Ayedero is one killing too much. It’s a capital crime against a disabled person .

The Yorubaland Youth and other youth in the vicinity from the Middle Belt and other groups have staged series of public protests and demonstrations since last week Saturday.

Meanwhile, 5 Children and a Nursing Mother are without their family patriarch, a victim of Animalistic, senseless terrorism. This killing of a “ Disabled Farmer “ has become a rallying point for the cry of this being the last straw in this ongoing issue of the lack of respect for public safety and the law in the Western part of Kogi State and Kwara state by Fulani’s, Tuaregs and other Terrorists against farmers and this time a Hunter’s Union executive officer.

May the Soul of the late Mr Sunday Ayedero RIP. One thing is certain. The Hunters and the farmers are not going to allow this sort of wicked , irresponsible behavior to continue.

Dr John Mabayoje

Hunter, Conservationist and Commercial Agricultural Practitioner.