Beloved Yorùbá Nation 🇸🇱 citizens across the globe, the members of the Yorùbá Christian community under the umbrella of the Yorùbá Nation Christian Association (YORNCA), we bring you warm greetings in the matchless name of our Lord Jesus Christ as we usher in the year 2025.

First, let us pause to give all glory, honor, and adoration to God Almighty for His faithfulness and mercies throughout the year 2024. Indeed, He has been our Sustainer, Shield, and Guide through the challenges and victories of the past year.
To Him alone be all the praise!

To all leaders and members of YORNCA worldwide, we extend our heartfelt appreciation for your steadfastness in prayer, unity, and commitment to the gospel of Christ and the Yorùbá cause. Together, we continue to play a vital role in advancing God’s kingdom and the socio-cultural values of the Yorùbá Nation people in these challenging times.

A special acknowledgment goes to Emeritus Professor Stephen Adebanji Akintoye, the esteemed global leader of the Yorùbá Self-Determination Movement (YSDM) . Sir, we salute your courage, wisdom, and unwavering dedication to the Yorùbá Nation. Your leadership remains a beacon of hope and inspiration to all of us.

As we step into 2025, let us remain united, prayerful, and committed to the vision of peace, prosperity, and self-determination for the Yorùbá people. May God grant us greater grace and wisdom to navigate the new year successfully.

Once again, we wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year 2025. God bless the Yorùbá Nation. God bless YORNCA. God bless us all.

Yours In His Service,
1st Secretary-General, YORNCA